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3D Youth League

This league is designed for all youth archers who have an interest in 3D archery and 3D hunting. Each week the youth archers in this program will be challenged with realistic hunting scenarios on the WMAC Outdoor 3D range. Archers age 8+ are able to participate in this program and must have their own archery equipment.


Sundays from August 13 to September 17, 2017


1:00 - 3:00pm

Cost and Registration:

Cost is $40 per archer.

Register online HERE.

Indoor Leagues (Fall/Winter)


Mixed League (FITA)

WMAC is hosts a target archery league in the fall with mixed participants (men and women; compound, recurve, and traditional).  

FITA target and scoring.  No broad heads.  All archers must follow safety regulations and range rules.  Bows should be 60 lb or less draw weight.


Winter LEAGUE (spot targets)

WMAC hosts a weekly Winter League starting on Monday evenings.   This is an informal league and open to all levels of shooters, with participation limited to 40 archers (2 shooting lines).


  • 20 yard shooting distance.
  • Compound bow shooters will use 5 spot NFAA targets.  
  • Traditional and junior shooters will use single bulls’ eye NFAA targets.
  • There will be separate categories for unlimited and hunter compound bows, and traditional bows.  
  • Men, women and junior shooters are scored separately. 
  • Those wishing to participate in a cash league may choose to do so on the first night, with additional payment ($10) due at that time.